Opening 14:00
【Session 1】: 14:10-15:30
1. Comparative Legal Perspectives on Innovative and Sustainable Development in Chinese Agriculture
By Pro.Yu Qimin, Law School of Soochow University, Taiwan.
2. Agrifood Governance and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
By Dr. Jacqueline Williams (Senior Researcher, Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law, University of New England Australia), Australia.
3. ‘Public interest ‘carve outs’ and investor state dispute resolution under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement’
By Associate Professor Amanda Kennedy (Associate Professor, Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law, University of New England, Australia)
4. Studies on the Development Trends of the International Arbitration and the Analysis of Reason under the Condition of China’s Urbanization
By Pro.Cao Peizhong, Shandong Agriculture University, School of Literature and Laws, China
【Coffee Break】 (15 minutes)
【Session 2】: 15:45-17:00
5. When the Pedal Hits the Metal: How ChaFTA Beefs up China’s Food Safety Standards’
By Dr. Ying Chen (Lecturer in Law, University of New England, Australia
6. On Supervising the Use of Aquaculture Drugs
By Dr.Wang Shengli, Law School of Yantai University, China.
7. Protection of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge in Chinese Patent Law
By Pro. Song Hongsong, Law School of Yantai University, China.