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“慶祝建校四十年”系列學術活動之三元名家論壇:Decision function-based adaptive control of uncertain systems subject to irregular output constraints
作者:     供圖:     供圖:     日期:2024-07-03     來源:    

講座主題:Decision function-based adaptive control of uncertain systems subject to irregular output constraints







The constraint problem is widespread in various applications, e.g. in the delivery UAV with a cable-suspended load, where collisions of the payload with the surrounding environment must be avoided. In practice, it can lead to control inaccuracies, system instability or even safe accidents if the corresponding constraints are not properly considered, which makes the underlying problem of controlling nonlinear dynamic systems extremely critical and difficult. While Barrier Lyapunov Function (BLF)-based approach has been successfully used to ensure the security of the system, it is nontrivial to use such a method to deal with the irregular constraints (where the constraints may appear, disappear or alternate during the system operation). In this report, a safe adaptive control strategy is developed for uncertain systems subject to irregular output constraints. Firstly, we introduce the concept of link function, with which we transform the non-differentiable constraint into a smooth one; Secondly, by using several function transformations, and the decision function in particular that bridges the irregular output constraints and the barrier function, we recast the problem of maintaining irregular constraints into the stabilization of the barrier function, which allows different constraint forms to be addressed under a fixed control structure wherein one only needs to select the appropriate decision function and design parameters, eliminating the need for control redesign and stability reanalysis. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is validated by numerical simulations.


趙凱,,重慶大學教授/博導,國家級青年人才,,重慶英才青年拔尖人才,。2019年6月博士畢業(yè)于重慶大學,,師從IEEE TNNLS主編、國家特聘專家宋永端教授,。2019年10月起先后在澳門大學和新加坡國立大學從事科研工作,,2023年5月加入重慶大學自動化學院。主要研究方向為:自適應控制,,約束控制以及機器人系統(tǒng),。發(fā)表SCI高水平論文30余篇,其中控制領域頂級期刊IEEE TAC和Automatica 11篇,,Google學術引用2000余次,,ESI前1‰熱點論文1篇,前1%高被引論文5篇,;專著2部,。榮獲中國自動化學會科技進步一等獎(2023年)、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics杰出審稿人(2022年),、中國自動化學會優(yōu)秀博士學位論文提名獎(2020年)以及重慶市優(yōu)秀博士學位論文獎(2020年),。